Base 4 – Dna Computing vs Quantum Computing?

Question: Base 4 – Dna Computer vs Quantum Computer comparison?


Base 4 computing is classical computing, slightly more efficient for storage of information than a “normal computer”.

To emulate a base-4 computer with n digits, it would take a binary computer with 2-power-n bits.

Quantum computing is very different, capable of implementing much more efficient algorithms for some problems that are infeasible when using classical computers.  The most celebrated example is Shor’s algorithm which solves integer factorization in polynomial time, when the best classical algorithm takes sub-exponential time.

To emulate a quantum computer with n qubits, it would take a classical computer with about 2-power-n bits.

Not every operation on 2-power-n bits can be done in a quantum computer with n qubits, but quantum computing may be fundamentally more powerful than classical computing.

Resources about base-4 / dna computing / quantum computing / ternary computing

travelling salesman problem with dna computing
dna computer helps travelling salesman
base 4 dna computing – quantum computing
base 4 vs quantum computing
why computers use base 2 instead of base 10?
ternary computer

About Firat Karakusoglu

IIT Tech.

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